Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:40:43 +0100
From: Alex Moroz
dovoluji si vam poslat informaci o platech profesoru v Brazilii. Jejich vysi lze nalezt v prilozenem inzeratu, na ktery jsem nedavno narazil.
S pozdravem,
PS: Pro uplnost, pred cca 5-6 lety jsem cetl clanek v Int. Herald Tribune o bidnem zivotu profesoru v Ugande, kteri pracovali po vecerech jako taxikari, aby si prilepsili ke svemu platu cca 300 US$/mesicne. Jeden muj kolega, ktery pobyval mesic v Jemenu, jinak velice chude zemi, mne rikal, ze platy docentu na univerzite jsou na urovni 700 britskych liber.
PS1: Inzerat:
Institute of Physics, UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO
The department of mathematical physics, at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, has two openings for full professorship positions to begin in 1999. We seek theorists with strong track records, specifically in the areas of Theoretical Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theories, Mathematical Physics (constructive quantum field theory and statistical mechanics) and Theoretical Nuclear Physics. The successful applicant is expected to establish an independent research program involving graduate students and contribute to departmental teaching at all levels.
The basic salary is presently about US$ 45.000,00 prior to taxation. The succesfull applicants are also entitled to apply for extra research grants to a brazilian research foundation (CNPq). This is currently paid at the annual rate of US$ 10.000,00. According to the present rules, succesfull foreign candidates' previous work record are taken into account, concerning their pension funds and promotions.
There will be three days of examination by a board of five commitee members, during which applicants will have the opportunity of demonstrating their scientific accomplishments, future plans and teaching skills. For further details and informations, applicants should contact Prof. Silvio Roberto de Azevedo Salinas, Director of the {\it Instituto de Física, Universidade de Sao Paulo}, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, telephone: (55)(11)818.6900, fax: (55)(11)818.6701, e-mail,
or Prof. Elcio Abdalla, chairman of the {\it Department of Mathematical Physics}, telephone (55)(11)818.7036, fax (55)(11) 818.6833, e-mail:
For foreign candidates ten copies of an extended Curriculum Vitae, in Portuguese, together with a health certificate and a proof of the titles mentioned in the CV, should be sent to the following address:
Assistencia Academica, INSTITUTO DE FISICA DA Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao s/n CAIXA POSTAL 66318 CEP 05315-970 SAO PAULO - SP BRASIL Brazilian candidates should also send a copy of the election document card (tituto de eleitor) and brazilian male candidates a military certificate. All candidates are requested to choose the theme of the knowledge exam, among those pertinent to the competition. Information about the possible themes can be sent by fax.
The deadline for receiving documents is April 6th, 1999 {\bf strictly}.
Alexander Moroz FOM Institute
tel. : +31-20-6081353 AMOLF
fax : +31-20-6684106 Kruislaan 407
NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam The Netherlands
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